Ah. Well, there we were today, searching the spot we thought Watson was at, but it seems we were being misled. Someone left a message for us in the sky, as well as sending a photo through:
We did think for a moment Anderson took the picture, i know, but then after scanning the photo, we found a name in invisible ink:
So, now we have our captor (surprise surprise, who knew it'd be you?), but we still have to find Watson. If he was almost blown up in a day, who knows what's happening to Watson after 3 days. However, there was a drawing attached with the note. This /has/ to be from Watson:
See if you can work out where he is from these signs, and keep tuned. I feel there may be one last message from Moriarty.
Hmm. Very, very well done, Sherlock. Yes, who would've thought it was ME?! And you will never find your little beloved John. Hahahahahaha! Oh how I do LOOOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEEEE being evil. Have fun!
that was mean- hope you burn and Sherlock doesn't.